UpToDate® Calculators allow you to enter the values in commonly used formulas to obtain numerical data, such as urinary protein excretion estimation or results for LDL based on the Friedewald equation for low density lipoprotein. Other calculators allow you to estimate the severity of a condition such as community-acquired pneumonia in a given patient based upon the presence or absence of major risk factors.
AccessMedicine web version (from Dykes Library web site) has calculators that include :
Calculate by QxMD
Calculate by QxMDis a clinical calculator and decision support tool. Focused on highlighting tools which are useful in clinical practice and serve to impact diagnosis, treatment or determining prognosis. Search for QXMD in your App Store and install to use. Available for Android and iOS
Includes scores algorithms calculators, from mdcalc.com Sign up to create an account. Available for Android and iOS