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Clerkship Information Resources

Reference and information resources for different clerkship programs in the School of Medicine.

Managing UpToDate Account

If you do not have an existing personal UpToDate account you may create one from UpToDate's homepage in your browser (not the mobile app): 

  • From onsite: use the link below while you are on campus, then click on the Register button.
  • From offsite: use the link below while you are off campus, enter your KUMC credentials when prompted, then click on the Register button

Desktop View

Mobile View

Fill out the profile form and include your KUMC email. All fields are required.

Note: it is University policy for users to select different passwords from their University account for any affiliated third-party accounts.

UpToDate requires users to renew their current account every 90 days. Not logging into your account may impact your account's metadata and any accumulated CME credits in the app. There are two methods for renewing your account:

  • From onsite: use the link below while you are on campus, then login to your personal UpToDate account.
  • From offsite: use the link below while you are off campus, enter your KUMC credentials when prompted, then login to your personal UpToDate account.


If you have not accessed your account during the past 90 days, you can renew your account by logging in via the link below. If your metadata or CME credit isn't available contact UpToDate support using the UpToDate Support link.

When changing institutions you may want to keep access to the same UpToDate account with your metadata, search history, and CME credits intact.

  1. If you are coming to KUMC with a pre-existing account from another institution: 
    1. From onsite: use the link below while you are on campus and log into your UpToDate account with your existing UpToDate credentials.
    2. From offsite: use the link below while you are off campus, enter your KUMC credentials when prompted, and log into your UpToDate account with your existing UpToDate credentials.

Note: While you do not need to use your KUMC email address for an UpToDate account it's recommend that you choose one that you frequently check. If you have difficulties logging in to your KUMC provided UpToDate account, contact UpToDate support using the link below.

  1. If you are leaving KUMC for another institution that provides UpToDate access it's recommended that you contact that institution's library or IT (or whichever department manages their UpToDate subscription) about transferring your account's information.