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A.R. Dykes Library Blog

profile-icon Nate Poell
A list of DuckDuckGo Bangs -- search engine shortcuts -- for certain KU Med Center databases is presented.
profile-icon Kristin Sederstrom
In this post we’ll cover how you can publish open under our agreement with Elsevier, review statistics for the last 18 months, and take a brief look at what the future may hold with Read & Publish deals.
profile-icon Nate Poell
It's time to reflect on a recent copyright conference and discuss a couple related topics and their relevance to us at KUMC.
profile-icon Nate Poell
The Missouri Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee is the recipient of the 2023 Robert B. Downs Intellectual Freedom Award. A.R. Dykes Librarian Casey Phillips, current MLA-IFC chair, discusses the aims and work of the committee.

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