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Open Educational Resources (OER)

This guide provides information for users who want to learn more about Open Educational Resources and their value for teaching and learning.

Interpreting Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons Icons


Public Doman Icon Public Domain Mark: Free of known copyright restrictions due to the age of the work or federally-authored work.


Public Domain Zero License Icon Public Domain Zero License: The author has intentionally waived their copyright. 


CC BY License Icon BY (Attribution): You must give appropriate credit to the creator, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.


CC SA License Icon SA (Share Alike): You may modify the original work but must publish the modifications under the original license.


CC NC License Icon NC (Non-Commercial): You may not use the material for commercial purposes.


CC ND License Icon ND (No Derivatives): No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.


Creative Commons Permissions & Restrictions

The licenses above may be combined to expand or limit permissions as demonstrated in the chart below:


The Creative Commons License Spectrum

CC License Spectrum Graphic



















