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CINAHL Searching

Best practices on searching the CINAHL Complete database.

Creating your personal account in EBSCO / CINAHL

Creating an EBSCO account is the same for all their databases. You only need to create one account to save searches in CINAHL, APA PSYCHInfo, SPORTDiscus or any of the other EBSCO databases we subscribe to.

Follow these steps to set up an EBSCO account

  1. Click on the CINAHL link above to access the database and authenticate as a KUMC affiliate.
  2. Click on the Sign In link in the top menu.


  1. Click link to Create account in the new window and fill in the required information to set up your account. 

              EBSCO - Create New Account link

  1. Complete the account registration form, filling in the required information and click Continue.
  2. Subsequently, use the Sign In link in the top right corner and enter your new EBSCO account credentials. You will see your name at the top and can access your personal account settings via the drop down arrow.


KUMC's Password Policy

Saving searches in EBSCO / CINAHL

  1. Click on the CINAHL link at the top of this page or visit another of our subscribed EBSCO databases.
  2. Click the Sign In link in the top of the page and access your personal account. Create your desired search.
  3. From the search results screen, click Save Searches / Alerts in the Search History drop-down area.

EBSCO Saved Searches / Alerts Link

  1. You will then be prompted to name the alert and select to save the search or to set a regular email alert. 
    • You will need to enter your email and you may also add additional emails.
    • You can select additional databases to run your search in by pressing Control (Command on Mac) while clicking them.

EBSCO saved search settings

  1. To view your saved searches in the future, click Folder in the top menu bar.EBSCO - My Folder link
  2. Here, you can change the notification frequency, set alert status to Inactive to stop the email alerts, or delete the alert. 


Keep Up-To-Date

Quick videos on using Alerts to stay up-to-date as you conduct research or practice health care. Tune in and stay a step ahead!