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Linking to E-Journals and E-Books

Creating Links for Off-Campus Access to Library Resources


You may link to ClinicalKey articles using the full URL displayed in the address bar. If you would like to link to a specific table or image in an article or book chapter, you may follow a similar process described below.

Linking to Book or Article within ClinicalKey

  1. Navigate to a book, chapter, section, or article and copy the full URL from the address bar.
  2. Paste this URL into the proxy link generator to create a URL that will work off campus.

Screen capture with instructions on linking to book chapter in ClinicalKey


Linking to Figure or Table within ClinicalKey

  1. Within the text of an article or book, click the hyperlinked Figure # so that a 'scrollTo=' location is added to the URL, as shown in the below screenshot.
    1. This URL can be used to connect directly to this location within the article.
  2. Copy the full URL from the address bar.
  3. Paste this URL into the proxy link generator to create a URL of the figure or table that will work off campus.

Screenshot displays how to link to a figure from an article.


Linking to videos or animations with ClinicalKey

You will need to be logged in to your personal ClinicalKey account. Follow our directions to set up an account if you don't have one

  1. While viewing video or animation, click on email link.
  2. Right-Click on the Video link displayed.
  3. Click Copy link address.
  4. This URL can be used to connect directly to the video or animation page.
  5. Copy this entire URL and paste it in to the proxy link generator so it will also work for people off campus.

Screen capture with instructions on linking to video in ClinicalKey