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Research Impact and Author Profiles

A guide to bibliometrics, altmetrics, and citation/journal analysis.

Why Track WHO cited me?

Tracking your publication citations is not just about numbers, it's about WHO is citing your work.  Benefits of tracking who has cited your publications include:

  • Learn which researchers or institutions are following your work
  • Identify possible collaborators
  • Identify similar research projects
  • Confirm that research findings were properly attributed and credited
  • Determine if research findings were duplicated, confirmed, corrected, improved or repudiated
  • Determine if research findings were extended (different human populations or animal models/species), etc.
  • Quantify return on research investment
  • Justify future requests for funding
  • Tenure/Promotion

Tracking via Citation Alerts

Use the citation alerts function in databases to be notified when someone cites your work.  This allows you to follow who is citing you and when you have been cited.  Alerts can be created for authors or specific articles and can be sent via email or RSS feed on a specified frequency (daily, weekly, monthly). 


Web of Science Citation Alerts

You can create an alert for an author or a specific article:

Link to help for creating alerts or view the Web of Science tutorial.


Google & Google Scholar Alerts


Track Altmetrics

Use the free Altmetric bookmarklet to track other forms of metrics (non-citations) for you published journal articles.  Drag the Bookmarklet to your browser's bookmarks bar and use this for any journal article to learn of any social media activity for the selected article.

 Many individual journals track almetrics for each article. Examples include many Wiley Online Journals and the PLOS journals. The CINAHL database also uses PlumX for article metrics.